News from alumnae, alumni, and students who once studied in Faculty of Education, Gifu University


FIDALIA (Studied in Gifu University as a Teacher Training Student from November 2021 to March 2023)

I am an English teacher in a high school (SMA Negeri 1 Kampar Utara) in Kampar region, Riau province, Indonesia. I have been teaching for more than 10 years. In November 2021, I came to Gifu University to join a Teacher Training Program of MEXT. I had a wonderful experience while staying and studying at Gifu University. I did varied activities on this lovely campus. Firstly, I joined Nihongo classes for two semesters. These helped me to have basic communication skills while living in Japan. I also learned Japanese culture in Center for Japanese Language and Culture. Afterwards, I had opportunity to join some English classes in Education Faculty. I really enjoyed the classes I took. Through the classes, I learned a lot from the experienced and knowledgeable sensei. I also watched students’ teaching simulations and had series of discussion sessions dealing with Indonesian and Japanese English Education with the sensei and classmates. This surely contributed to my understanding of Japanese education, especially English education, and enlarged my knowledge about English teaching field in general. Moreover, to witness the Japanese English education in person, I was also invited to have school visit to some schools in Gifu and Aichi with Toru Tatsumi sensei and Hiroto Takizawa sensei. These chances even enriched my insight of Japanese English education directly from Japanese schools. Furthermore, I also conducted research as a part of my program. Words cannot express my gratitude to my supervisor, David Barker sensei, for his time, support, encouragement, and insightful feedback on my research and whole program. His immense knowledge and wealth of experience have helped me to enrich the content of my research. Besides the academic life I had in Gifu University, I also had an abundance of unforgettable memory while living in Gifu. I met new friends, travelled around the country, communicated with the locals, and etc. I will forever cherish the time I have spent in Gifu. I hope some day later in the future, I can come back to Gifu, my second home. Now, I am back at my school. Aside from being an English teacher, I have been appointed as the school vice Principal. I hope I can contribute more to my students and school by bringing back positive values, experiences, and knowledge I got during Teacher Training program at Gifu University.

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Ms. BAO YEJING in China (studied in Gifu as a Research student and as a Master student from October., 2015 to Mar., 2019)

皆さん、こんにちは。包烨菁(ホウヨウセイ)と申します。2015年10月から2019年3月にかけて教育学研究科で国語を学びました。今は中国の大学で先生として仕事をしています。 私は大学からずっと日本語の先生を目指していたので、日本へ留学をしました。初めて日本に行った時、周りの人も知らない人ばかりで、非常に不安でした。指導教員の山田敏弘先生をはじめ、国語科の先生方、事務室や国際交流センターの方々、そして国語科の友達が、いろいろ助けてくださって心から感謝しています。その4年間、日本語はもちろん、先生になる教養知識やテクニックも学びました。また、皆と一緒に旅行したり、イベントに参加したりいろいろな日本文化も体験しました。更に、日本語学会や山西師範大学の短期研修にサポーターとして参加させていただき、日本語や日本社会への認識がいっそう深まりました。 今でも授業や指導する時、日本にいた間に学んだことや経験したことを中国の学生たちにシェアします。学生たちの様子を見て、社会の移り変わりを心に深く感じながら自分の学生時代を思い出せます。また、職場の生活は学生時代と違い、人間関係を慎重に調整しなければならないとしみじみ感じました。でも、皆、親切でいろいろ教えてくださって、職場の親友もできて心強くなりました。学生の中で、何人かセンター試験の選択科目に英語ではなく日本語を選びました。彼らは大学に入ってから引き続き日本語を勉強しています。進路について聞いたら、日本に留学すると決めていました。 皆と一緒に留学生活を送ることができて本当に楽しかったです。また、どこかで皆と出会えることを楽しみにしています。私も「先生」という職業を頑張ります。

Ms. REN YU CHAN in China (studied in Gifu as a Research student and as a Master student from April., 2016 to Mar., 2019)

任宇嬋(ニンウセン)と申します。2016年4月から教育学部の研究生として社会科で歴史を学びました。2017年4月から2019年3月にかけて教育学研究科で、“大学生の中日関係と歴史認識”について研究していました。皆さんご存知の通り、歴史認識は、現代社会の実際の生活状況と密接につながっていて、デリケートで難しい研究内容でした。環境や文化的背景が違う両国の大学生にアンケートをうまく行えるかどうか、そして、研究を順調に進めて卒業できるかどうかなどの不安や問題と、“自分が本当に知りたいこと”の間で葛藤しました。私の指導教員 田澤晴子先生に相談し、やっと勇気を出して自分なりの研究テーマを選びました。そして、社会科の他の先生たちからも非常に貴重な指導をいただきました。過去を振り返ってみると、簡単でやりやすいことより、自分が本当に研究したいことを選んだほうが大切だと思いました。今は日本のドラッグストアで正社員として仕事をしています。季節の移り変わりと人々の日常生活の変化を、学生時代より強く感じられます。また、職場のパートナーさんのおかげで、日本家庭の手作り料理を食べて、日本人の日常生活を深く理解できました。最近、『星の王子様』の本を読む時に「かんじんなことは目に見えないんだよ」という言葉が気に入りました。これから、皆さんだけではなく、私も、小さいことから、目じゃなくて「心」で日本の美しいところを見るようになりましょう。

Ms. LISI in China(stayed in Gifu as a Special Auditor from Oct., 2019 to Sept., 2020)

2019年から2020年まで、日本の岐阜大学で交換留学生として、一年間の留学生活を経験しました。あれから、もう一年が過ぎました。日本での生活を思い出して、いろいろな感動が湧きました。 まず、山田先生をはじめ、いつもお世話になった先生方、本当にありがとうございます。それから、チューターの彩音さんは一番いい日本人の友達です。彩音さんは私が困っていた時、生活でも学業でも熱心に助けてくれました。特に、コロナの時、私と毎日チャットしたから、ストレスが解消することができました。ありがとうございます。日本人だけでなく、各国からの留学生も友達になりました。彩音さんのおすすめをきっかけに、留学ラブに入部し、たくさんのイベントに参加し、遊びながら、日本語の会話能力も上がっていました。また、日本の文化と風習を理解してあって、日本での生活が豊かになりました。一年間は短かったですが、日本の教育制度や生活習慣などを体験し、日本と中国の多くの違いも分かりました。しかし、コロナのせいで、多くの残念さが残ってありますので、チャンスがあれば、ぜひまた日本に行きます。私は今年の六月に大学を卒業してから、高校で教師として日本語を教えています。忙しくても充実した生活を送っています。小さい頃の夢は先生になりたく、今はやっと実現しました。これからも立派な日本語の先生になるために、もっと一生懸命に頑張ります。以上です、ありがとうございます。


Ms. Li Junxian in China(stayed in Gifu as a Teacher Training Student from Oct., 2019 to Mar., 2021)

My name is Li Junxian, and I came to Gifu University for further study in 2019 and the life here really left me deep impression and everlasting memory. The people here are friendly and helpful who helped me a lot especially during my starting time here. Tastsumi sensei and David sensei are so intellectual and knowledgeable and they have enlarged my horizon in the teaching field. The teachers in Japanese classes are also affable and responsible. Suemori san is a beautiful and warm-hearted lady who always gave me instant help when I was in need. Besides, my Japanese friend and classmate Natsuho is a lovely and earnest girl who helped me know more about Japan and we communicated well in class. Of course, I also met many countrymen here who relieved my homesick to some extent. I took some activities and trips in during my study here. Through the activities, I have known more about Japanese culture such as their tea culture and Japanese sumo culture. Through the trips around Japan, I have enjoyed the marvelous Island scenery. Especially my trip to Kyushu, I enjoyed the beauty of the virgin forest which is also the site where the film The Ghost Princess was shot. All in all, I love my short study life here though the New Coronavirus was serious last whole year. I hope I can have another chance to come back here in future.


Ms. TAN DELIN in China(stayed in Gifu as a Special Auditor from Oct., 2019 to Sept., 2020)

談徳林と申します。出身地は中国の四川省です。山西師範大学で日本語を専門として勉強しています。日本への憧れと日本語を向上し、日本文化を体験するために岐阜大学への留学を決めました。2019年10月から2020年9月まで交換留学生として岐阜大学で勉強しました。所属は教育学部の現代社会科でした。私の指導教員は坂本一也先生です。今回の留学が私にとって初めてでした。日本に行くのをとても楽しみにしていました。しかし、日本に行くと、意外とたくさんの困難にぶつかりました。初めての一人暮らしに慣れなくて、とても寂しかったです。また、同じく各自の母国で日本語を勉強したのに、なぜ皆は私より日本語の口語が上手なのか?初めて日本人のクラスメートと一緒に日本人の先生が行った授業を受けた時、何も聞き取れなかった、先生が出した指示も全然理解できませんでした。言葉の壁にぶつかってしまって、自信がなくなりました。幸い、優しいチューターさんと先生達がいろいろ助けてくださって、何とか日本での生活に慣れました。自分も諦めずにちゃんと授業を受けて、分からないことがあったら、クラスメートに聞きました。そうすると授業もだんだんわかるようになりました。教育学部の交換留学生は教育学部の授業と全共の授業も受けられます。教育学部で教育方法技術、英語、法律学などが勉強できて、全共で教養知識を学べます。すべての授業が日本人と一緒に日本語で勉強する授業で、日本語の勉強はもちろん、先生になる知識と教養知識も学べることがとてもいいと思います。日本人の友達に誘われて、RyugakuLoveというサークルに参加して、みんなと一緒に白川郷と高山へ旅行したり、温泉旅行したりしていろいろな日本文化を体験出来ました。また授業で日本人の友達ができました。みんなと話しているうちに、私もだんだん話せるようになりました。日本語がまだ上手ではありませんが、話す勇気が生まれました。また日本文化への理解も深まりました。私の面倒をみてくださった先生方、留学生の生活をサポートしてくださった方々、留学生活を楽しいものにしようと頑張ってくれた日本人の友達、一緒に生活をした留学生たち、皆のおかげでとても充実した思い出が出来ました。岐阜大学の一年間の交換留学が修了して、中国に帰りました。今もう四年生になって、来年から仕事が始まる予定です。将来は日本語の先生になりたいです。日本語だけではなく、岐阜大学で体験したこと、学んだことも生徒に紹介したいです。交換留学生として岐阜大学での留学生活は、私にとって一生忘れられない貴重な経験です。日本語だけでなく、人生に関する勉強にもなりました。日本に来て良かったと思います。 一年間お世話になりました。本当にありがとうございます。

Ms. NAWURUNNAGE KALANI NIMEJA RANGANI in SriLanka(stayed in Gifu as a Teacher Training Student from Oct., 2017 to Mar., 2019)

I am a Music teacher by profession and employed at a leading National School in the capital of Sri Lanka. In 2017 I received a MEXT scholarship from Embassy of Japan to pursue Diploma in Music Education at Gifu University, where I enjoy passion of music. When I was following my Diploma, I was fortunate to acquaint with music lovers. My time with a set of diverse students made me a strong performer and also refined my teaching skills. It taught me to be pragmatic in learning, lesson planning and teaching. I was more exposed to student-centered learning and teaching methodologies. After completing my diploma, I came to Sri Lanka in 2019 and started my career as a Senior Wester Music Teacher at Visakha Vidayalaya. At school I teach students from primary up to upper school including G.C.E. Ordinary level students. The relevant pedagogy courses influenced my teaching skills and helped many students in my school win awards in both national level and provincial level contests. In 2019 July, my students won all-island 1st place in Recorder ensemble (open category), all-island 2nd place in Mixed Instrumental Category (Senior Brass Band), all-island 2nd place in Recorder ensemble (Junior Category) and all-island 1st place in Senior choir competitions conducted by the Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka. This year March we organized Western Music Concert “Reiwa 2020”, participating all western music students in the school. The Ambassador of Japan was the chief guest of this musical extravaganza. Finally, I take this opportunity to thank the President of the University of Gifu, my mentor Professor Yosuke Matsunaga and all the assistant professors, Dean and the staff of the education faculty. I highly recommend Gifu University because it plays a major role in world class education and training for foreign students with a student supportive environment. Kalani Nimeja

Ms. Sengdao INTHAVONG in Laos (stayed in Gifu as a Teacher Training Student from Oct., 2013 to Mar., 2015)

I am Sengdao INTHAVONG. I am from Laos. I studied at The Faculty of Education in the English Department for a Teacher's Training Program. My supervisor was Toru Tatsumi sensei. I was at Gifu University from October 2013 until March 2015. I am very happy to hear from Gifu University, the great University giving me so nice memories. Please let me share my life as working. Now I am happy with my work as an English teacher and Economic administration teacher, I have two majors in new work place , National Academy of Political and Public Administration. My work is going well and until now I always apply teaching Skills that I learned from Gifu to my teaching. Thank you for the great opportunity to me and nice experience from Gifu as well as from Japan

Ms. Silvija Posta in Croatia (stayed in Gifu as a Teacher Training Student from Oct., 2012 to Mar., 2014)

I am still working in the same high school Industrial Crafts School Virovitica in Croatia teaching English. Last year I wrote a KA1 Erasmus+ project, funded by the European Union "Getting into ICT shape"and it successfully finished by the end of the school year this August. The project included 3 mobilites of t4 teachers to Spain, Malta and the Czech Republic and we attended structured courses about using ICT (Information Communication Technology) in the classroom, which included different apps like Kahoot, Quizziz, LearnigApps and etc. In the attachment I send you the article about the results of the three mobilities as well as the links to our Facebook page and the Prezi presentation. This year I also wrote another Erasmus+ KA1 "Stress free teacher= stress free school" project which was approved by our National Agency and funded by the European Union. The project includes 4 mobilites of teachers to structured courses in Cyprus, Spain, Ireland and Italy on the topic of emotional intelligence, classroom management and positive thinking. The details about the project are in the attachment. Unfortunately, due to COVID pandemic, some of the planned activities have been cancelled this August and postponed for better times.



Ms. Orozco Yasmin in Guatemala (stayed in Gifu as a Teacher Training Student from Oct., 2015 to Mar., 2017)

I am Orozco Yasmin. I am from Guatemala, Central America. I studied at The Faculty of Education in the English Department for a Teacher's Training Program. My supervisor was Toru Tatsumi sensei. I was at Gifu University from October 2015 until March 2017. I am working as an EFL teacher in a public school. I also teach some private lessons. I recently participated in a Program called "Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program" at the University of Arkansas in the United States. It was a great experience because I had the chance to meet 26 EFL teachers from 25 different countries and we had the opportunity to attend some sessions, observe some classes, visit some schools, do some field work and participate in cultural activities. I also presented a poster with some findings on Teaching an L2 in three different countries based on my experience as an English Teacher in Guatemala and also based on my observations during my programs in Japan and in the United States. Living and studying in Japan for a year and a half has been a great experience and it helped me to grow not only as a professional but also as a human being


Ms. Thida Wint in Myanmar (studied in Gifu as a Research student and as a Master student from Oct., 2002 to Mar., 2006)

I studied at Professor Nakazawa's lab from October, 2002 to March, 2006 and I have got a master degree. Now, I have had a chance to study again at Gifu University, Japan from 15th November, 2015 to 31st January, 2016. At Professor Nakazawa's lab, I studied new experimental technique for searching double hypernuclei. I visited Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex to see Tandem accelerator, Tandem Booster, Reactor Fuel Examination Facility, Japan Research Reactor, Neutrino and Material and Life Science Experimental Facility together with seven students from Myanmar and Professor Nakazawa. And, we visited Science museum in Tokyo. I got a lot of knowledge and can learn many developments in modern science of Japan. Now, I am checking the experimental data taken with modified experimental technique to pick up typical events such as candidates of double-hypernuclei. I thank very much Professor Nakazawa and International Exchange Committee in Faculty of Education, Gifu University for giving me a chance to study again in Japan.

Ms. Htaik Nandar Kyaw in Myanmar (studied in Gifu as a Research student and as a Master student from Oct., 2002 to Mar., 2006)

I am working at Physics department of Defence Services Academy (Military University) as a Lecturer. I studied in Nakazawa Lab from 2002, October to 2006, March as a research student and as a Master student. I got a Master degree from Physics department, Faculty of Education, Gifu University in 2006, March. After I came back to my country, I got a PhD (doctor) degree in 2009 by hypernucleus event analysis. Fortunately, I got a second chance to visit to Nakazawa lab from 10 September, 2015 to 10, October 2015. At that time I attended JPS meeting and studied many things concerned with double-lambda hypernucleus searching and analysis. In Nakazawa lab, all the research and scanning system are progressing. The new scanning system is developed in Nakazawa lab and it is convenient to do by personal computer. So, I can continue the research works concerned with double lambda hypernucleus searching, alpha tracks searching and data analysis in my university. Now, I have trained 2 Doctoral students and 4 Master students of Myanmar to understand the new scanning system(over all scan). I thank very much Prof. Nakazawa and International exchange committee for giving me a chance to study in Japan and to keep in touch with us.

Ms. Silvija posta in Croatia (stayed in Gifu as a Teacher Training Student from Oct., 2012 to Mar., 2014)

These days there is a lot of work at the school I teach because of the end- of- the term period. Recently I have started taking guitar lessons and I have also been learning Spanish for a year now. Since summer I have also been teaching Japanese to some adults on voluntary basis. The progress is slow, but it's been fun...

Ms. Sengdao INTHAVONG in Thailand (stayed in Gifu as a Teacher Training Student from Oct., 2013 to Mar., 2015)

I am Sengdao INTHAVONG, From Bankeun Teacher Training College, Lao PDR. I have been fine with going well my work after come back from GIFU Univrsity, almost one year. Recently, my job as an English teacher who trains the techniques of English Teaching for students, after finishing Teacher Training program in GIFU University. I often apply my new experiences and teaching skills to students, especially students last year before they have the English Teaching Practice at secondary school. Besides focusing on students, I also give advice for my colleagues about new methodology of teaching. If possible in the future, I hope to visit and learn at GIGU University again.


Ms. Hessel Anne N. Domingo in Philippines (stayed in Gifu as a Teacher Training Student from Oct., 2011 to Mar., 2013)

She joined Teach for the Philippines (TFP(non-profit organization)) and taught in primary school, after she went back from Gifu University. Her teaching was in youtube videos,

Then she joined the basic education department of the University of Perpetual Help. Now she is a foreign language (Nihongo) teacher in the high school department and teaches Japanese with books which she used in studying Nihongo in Gifu University. She has been struggling for children who have to help their parents make a living and go to school without any school supplies, since she joined TFP. She would like to find ways to support them.

Ms. Silvija Posta in Croatia (stayed in Gifu as a Teacher Training Student from Oct., 2012 to Mar., 2014)

She works as an English teacher in a high school in her home town.

Mr. Amanullah Bhutto in Pakistan (stayed in Gifu as a Teacher Training Student from Oct., 2010 to Mar., 2012)

He works as an assistant professor of English in Islamabad College for Boys. He says “I am fortunate enough to have seen Japan, the land of the rising sun. My stay in Japan gave me a very good understanding of the Japanese people and their great culture. I was highly impressed by their politeness and humbleness. All my professors in the university, my course mates and even the common people showed great care and attention to me. I fell in love with the Japanese food. My favorite foods in Japan were Sushi, Tempura, Okonomiyaki, Takoyaki, etc. During a university festival, I happened to wear Kimono which gave me a nice feeling too. I stayed in Gifu during my stay but I was able to visit Tokyo, Hiroshima, Osaka, Ichinomiya, Nagoya and many other beautiful places. Japan is full of natural beauty. I will never forget the experience of being in Japan. I miss Japan a lot. ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU JAPAN.”

Dear Sir or Madam who once studied in Faculty of Education, Gifu University,

Please write to us,, and let us know about your news and activities after you went back to your country. We will show your news to other fellows here. Let’s keep in good company with each other.